Adult Services Roundtable
September 16, 2021
Topic: Adult Programming Swap
Shannon, Hoover
Reba, Titusville
Leslie, Avondale
Charlie, North Birmingham
Linda, Titusville
Noella, Titusville
Fontaine, Central BPL, 5 Pts W
Bridget, Homewood
Erika, Powderley
Deidre, Bessemer
Lynn Hutchins
Nicole, Tarrant
S. Lewis
Romellia Pattillo
Ellen, Avondale
Terri, Vestavia Hills
Holly, Vestavia Hills
Saundra, Pratt City
Sequoria, Smithfield
Michelle, Irondale
Laura, Springville Road
Tywanna, North Birmingham
Monica, 5 Pts W
Cara, Center Point
Karen, 5 Pts W
Karen Moody
Maura, Trussville
Pam Gordon
Tisha, Homewood
In an effort to keep everything together for future reference, the top tab labeled "Adult Programming IDEAS Spreadsheet" is where all new adult programming recommendations will be entered. Because this spreadsheet has survived years, we all need to review and update any information we can so that it remains a useful document. It dates back to 2011 and has helpful information and ideas for programs. Please take some time to enter new ideas with as much information as possible. Feel free to edit/add/delete as you deem necessary. IF you edit anything, change the row to Yellow so that we will know it has been updated!
Programming ideas discussed in the meeting:
S. Lewis: Suggests a Local Artists Expo to go along with Local Author Expo and Bards & Brews
Deidre: Alabama Cooperative Extension Services offers a variety of virtual and in person programs. Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, they provide the speaker and flyers for advertising.
Maura: Jeff Co Master Gardeners Speakers bureau: Most organizations that have a "Speakers Bureau" don't charge for their speakers - speakers have to get a good number of volunteer hours, so we can take advantage of that. Passive programs: Use Kahoot! to create passive programs like basic library trivia. AND Huntsville Library local music project Check it out for possible music acts to invite to your library.
Tips on developing an online following for programming: Don't forget you can do an email blast through Elizabeth Swift, downtown. Cara: We try to share our events to the "What's Happening In Center Point" Facebook page. Have gotten a few followers that way. Check for community-specific FB groups to join and post. Shannon: Also, look for topic-specific FB groups to post through (for example, I'm having Jun Ebersole from McWane Science Center talk about paleontology, so I joined 2 groups on FB (SE Paleontology & Alabama Paleontology) so I can spread the word!
Use QR codes to direct people to a specific website. Laura: Have a QR code direct them to a cloud storage folder to store handouts. Shannon: For Take-N-Makes, I usually include a QR code that directs patrons to a specific how-to video. Here is a useful QR code generator site. Leslie: Speaking of Take-N-Makes, Avondale has done several that are simply print-ables from the internet. Leslie uses Cannon Creative Park. Holiday items, stuff for the entire family. Fun things for adults to sit still with and create are very popular right now. AND Avondale is doing Take-N-Bakes, putting dry ingredients together so patrons can make something yummy. Don't forget to list allergy warnings for ingredients. Bake-in-the-mug projects are great!
Michelle: Don't forget our wonderful friends at Tigers for Tomorrow for a possible virtual program or have staff come to your library. They do have speakers that will come for a donation to the organization (like $50)
Fontaine & Monica: Their Senior/Active Living group has activities that change every Wednesday. They find a variety of activities each week. Movie, exercise, speakers, etc different every week. Holiday table settings was very, very popular.
Shannon: Task your active seniors with the question: If you were given 30 minutes to speak on ANY topic, what would it be? And let them have the floor! It might be a life-changing trip to South Africa or how to make a perfect meringue for a pie. It would be fund to go around the room and share. You never know what skills or experiences your seniors have had!
Holly & Cara: They've had a lot of success with passive programs/activities such as guessing jars or small contests to hold within the library, i.e. guess the number of... or library trivia, etc. Holly also does "Holly's Highlights" weekly videos to focus on what's going on. Olympic smack-down using books. Vestavia Hills also does "walking" programs that occur right on their library's walking path. Might be a good way to discuss book "on the go"! Or just lead a walking group that takes pictures around the library.
Leslie: Avondale had success with the posting of their little fairy library - a miniature of the library posted to social media which drew a lot of viewers. They also did "fairy doors" that they bought through Oriental Trading, patrons painted them however they wanted. Also, it doesn't cost much to plan and run a Quilling program. Here's a basic tutorial of quilling shapes. This technique might also be used to make paper beads for fun jewelry!
Lynn: Don't forget the 25th anniversary of Blues Clues! Blues Clues trivia, dress up party, etc. Adults from early 20's up grew up on Blues Clues so it might be a fun retro way to bring in that demographic...
Karen: Programming for 20's & 30's: Hoover reaches out to geeks/"fandoms", trivia night, game nights, board games, after-hour programs with the possibility of beer or cocktails (depending on library policies), Geek Market, Sneaker fashion show, Family Feud game would be great!
Other random program ideas:
- Adult storytime
- Fair Trade, what is it? how can it help?
- House Plant exchange
- History of Birmingham railroads
- Travel programs "virtual" tours
- Bob Ross painting workshop
- Murder Mystery scripts (I have a few to share) for patron participation
- Driving Tips for Over 55 (Extension Service?)
- Learn to play Mahjong, Bridge, Hearts, etc.
- Home Beer Brewing
- History of the SEC championship
- Community-centric charities/nonprofit - highlight them!!
- Bad Art Night
- Your own version of "Chopped"
- 100 crafts using swimming pool noodles!
- Adulting 101 (for young adults)
- Cookie Exchange
- Don't forget to check often!
Next Meeting: Social Work in the Library. Bring your concerns, ideas and war stories.
November 18th at 10 am VIRTUAL